

size : 17"x18"x13"

materials : Resin, Wood, Epoxy

The Robot Chicken Nerd is an iconic character from the stop-motion show “Robot Chicken” on Adult Swim. When I was working at the production company that made Robot Chicken, they wanted to put on an art show to showcase all of the diverse and creative talent of their employees. So everyone who participated received a resin cast of The Nerd’s head to decorate as they chose.

This was my take. The official title is "Aint nuthin but a Nerd thang baby!” The inspiration for the piece comes from an iconic scene in John Carpenter’s movie “The Thing” where the head comes off a body, sprouts eye stalks and spider legs, and then scurries away. When I got handed a decapitated head of The Nerd, it’s all I could think about.

I’m excited that this piece sold at the show, but I’m also sad because I wasn’t really great at remembering to take photos of my art, and this is the only picture that I have of it.